Call for abstract submission
Deadline for accepting paper abstracts
Inform the author of the accepted paper abstract to submit full paper
Deadline for accepting papers
Conference date
Abstract Submission
You are cordially invited to contribute papers to the 13th ISAIA. The official language for the paper is English. Referring to different sub-themes, please submit the Abstract Form (see the attachment below) to the following respective email before May 20, 2022.
Architectural Planning and Design:
Architectural History and Theory:
Urban Planning and Design:
Construction Engineering and Management:
Big Data and Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Architectural Programming and Post-Occupancy Evaluation:
The Organizer will inform the author of the accepted abstract to submit full paper by June 25, 2022.
Guidelines for Full-Paper Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word via e-mail before July 20, 2022. Other formats such as PDF and InDesign are not acceptable. The file must be smaller than 2 MByte. Authors are recommended to use the full-paper template provided below.
Paper layout
The manuscript should be prepared in A4-size (210 x 297mm). Leave 25 mm margins on top and bottom, and 20 mm margins on left and right. Except the title, author information and abstract, organize the body text in two columns with a blank space of 6 mm in between. Insert and layout figures, tables, and their captions directly in the body text.
The length of full-papers is recommended to be 4 pages of A4-size (210 x 297mm). The maximum length of papers should not exceed 6 pages including spaces, figures, tables and references.
Type font and type size
The manuscript should be written in English, using Times New Roman of 11 point with a single line space. A total of 48 rows from top to bottom of each column. Handwritten papers will be rejected. If special characters or accents cannot be typed, they may be substituted by alternative key/characters.
Title page
Type the title on the top border of the A4 paper sheet and use Times New Roman font with 14 point size in bold. The first letter of major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns) in the title should be capitalized. Title should not be too long that occupying more than 2 lines. Suggested maximum length of a title is 75 characters.
The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper title, author full name(s), position(s), and affiliation(s), and contact author’s name, position, affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail information are placed below the first column on the first page, separated from the text by a horizontal line.
Abstract and key words
An abstract and keywords should be included on the title page. The abstract must not exceed 200 words. And there should be no more than 5 keywords, separated by semicolons to facilitate readers to search.
Major sections and headings
Number section (1, 2…) and subsection headings (1.1, 1.2…) consecutively and capitalize the first letter of every word. Use point size 11 for section headings and 10 for subsection headings. Keep section and subsection headings always flushed left.
The paper is suggested to involve the following major sections:
Ø Introduction: Describe the motivation and purpose of the research.
Ø Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow readers to repeat the work.
Ø Results and discussion: Present the major results and discuss the key points.
Ø Conclusions: State conclusions concisely and without interpretation.
Make sure that placing and numbering of equations are consistent throughout your manuscript with the same style of your text. Leave one extra line space above and below the equation.
Tables and Figures (line art and photographs):
Insert tables/figures in the text body and arrange them across one or two columns of the page. Number the tables/figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1. and Table 2./ Fig. 1. and Fig. 2..Make sure the typeface in the tables/figures is still legible after reducing the size of tables to the final form.
The page numbering will be done by the Publisher after compilation of all the papers. Authors should not type the page numbers.
The acknowledgement for funding organizations etc.
Number the equations consecutively, e.g., (1), (2) and (3). Make sure that subscripts and superscripts are legible.
International System of Units (SI) should be used; if other units are used, SI equivalents should be given in parentheses.
The Harvard System is used. References in the text should be quoted in the following manner: Smith (1975) or (Brown and Green, 1976) or if there are more than two authors, Jones et al (1980). References should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname. If references to the same author have the same year, they should be differentiated by using 1980a and 1980b etc. The style should follow the example below:
Author, K. and Coauthor, T. (2001) Displacement based design methodology for steel frame structures. Journal of Steel Structures, 1 (1), 77-82
The author is responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce in his/her manuscript any copyrighted material (text, figures, tables). Acknowledgement of the permission should be made in the manuscript. The author is also responsible for obtaining permission to publish the paper from any relevant authority if clearance is required by such authority.
Transfer of Copyright
All papers submitted should not be published before and shall not be returned. Each contributor will be asked to transfer the copyright of his/her paper to the publisher. By submitting the paper, it is understood that the authors have agreed to transfer the copyrights to the Publisher through the symposium organizer.
Please submit the full-paper Full Paper Template (see full paper template below) to the following respective email before July 20, 2022.
Architectural Planning and Design:
Architectural History and Theory:
Urban Planning and Landscape Design:
Construction Engineering and Management:
Big Data and Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Architectural Programming and Post-Occupancy Evaluation:
All full papers will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Committee of 13th ISAIA. The accepted papers will be published in the proceedings and part of them will be invited to give presentation at the symposium.
13th ISAIA Paper Abstract Form.doc